Doug Unplugs
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Doug Unplugs

Hailing from DreamWorks Animation and based on Dan Yaccarino's "Doug Unplugged" book series, "Doug Unplugs" follows a young robot named Doug who sense...s there's more to life than just the ... Show More


Created by DreamWorks Animation and inspired by Dan Yaccarino's Doug Unplugged book series, Doug Unplugs is an animated series that revolves around the adventures of a young robot named Doug. Doug begins to question the limitations of his existence and seeks to explore life beyond his usual programming.

With the guidance of his best friend, a smart and resourceful pigeon named Emma, Doug embarks on exciting journeys to discover new experiences, learn about the world and form meaningful connections. Along the way, he encounters a diverse range of characters, including a wise old computer named HAL, who provides valuable insights and advice.

As Doug explores the world, he learns essential lessons about the importance of curiosity, imagination, and creativity. The series aims to entertain young viewers while also imparting valuable messages about the power of human connection and the limitless possibilities that exist when one's mind is opened to new experiences.

Doug Unplugs offers a heartwarming and educational viewing experience for children, promoting themes of friendship, empathy, and personal growth. Through its vibrant animation and relatable characters, the series encourages viewers to think beyond the confines of their own worlds and embrace the excitement and wonders of the unknown.

Join Doug on his thrilling adventures as he discovers the true essence of being alive in a world filled with endless possibilities.

Also Known As:

Doug Unplugs

Release Date:

13 Nov 2020


Jim Nolan